To draw the children’s focus to the events of Easter, Mrs French and the children in 6F put together a liturgy which prayerfully outlined the Stations of the Cross. The 6F students displayed amazing creativity and reverence in leading the school today. I have included some of the text from today for a personal reflection for you which you may want to have your children read to you on Good Friday.
Masses of Palm Sunday and Easter
The Way to Resurrection: Jesus’ walk to Calvary is similar to the journey in our own lives. On the way to his death, Jesus showed us how to live and how to die. It is by carrying our own crosses that we come to know God’s mercy and love. So, as we enter this journey with our Lord, let us feel as He felt, love and He loved.
The Stations of the Cross
First Station – Jesus is condemned: Jesus is unfairly accused and put on trial for loving and caring about others.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus. Help me to be fair and help me not to judge others. Help me to stand up for what I believe in and do the right thing so I can be loving and caring like you. Jesus, remember me.
Second Station – Jesus receives the cross: Jesus takes on the great burden of carrying the cross.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, when I have problems, I am in a way, carrying your cross with you. Even though I bare only a piece of your cross, you are there to help carry all of mine. Jesus, remember me.
Third Station – Jesus falls the first time: The cross is heavy and Jesus is weak.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, I make mistakes, help me to realise that when I hurt others or do not help when I can I am hurting myself and hurting you. Jesus, remember me.
Fourth Station – Jesus meets his mother: Along the road, Mary catches a glimpse of her son and for a brief moment, their eyes meet.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, help me to love your Mother, Mary, whom you loved so much. Teach me to always show how much I love my parents, grandparents and guardians. Jesus, remember me.
Fifth Station – Simon helps Jesus carry the cross: Simon is just an ordinary person who is selected out of the crowd to help Jesus carry his cross.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, let me always be ready and willing to help others. I can be like Simon and help to carry your cross. Jesus, remember me.
Sixth Station – Veronica wipes the face of Jesus: Jesus is hot and sweaty.
Prayer Reflection: Jesus, teach me to be brave and stand up for what is right. Help me to realise that whatever I do for others I do for you. Jesus, remember me.
Seventh Station – Jesus falls the second time: Jesus falls again, the cross seems heavier now and the pain is stronger.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, give me your strength to do the right things. Help me to remember I am never alone for you are always with me. Jesus, remember me.
Eighth Station – Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem: Despite his own suffering Jesus takes time to comfort the women and children in the crowd.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, you love no matter what I do. May your suffering make me strong and help me share your love with everyone I meet. Jesus, remember me.
Ninth Station – Jesus falls the third time: Jesus falls for the last time under the weight of the cross only to get up again.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, when I am really down, help me to remember that you got up again and again. Help me to move forward. Jesus, remember me.
Tenth Station – Jesus is stripped of his clothing: Jesus stands on top of the hill and is stripped of his clothes.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, everything I have is a gift from you. Everything I do, I try to do in your name. Jesus, remember me.
Eleventh Station – Jesus is nailed to the cross: The soldiers roughly place Jesus down on the cross, and nails are driven into his hands and feet.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, help me forgive people who hurt me just as you forgave those who nailed you to the cross. Jesus, remember me.
Twelfth Station – Jesus dies on the cross: Jesus knows now that everything is completed.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, you died so that I can live. Thank you Jesus, thank you. Jesus, remember me.
Thirteenth Station – Jesus is taken down from the cross: The suffering is over and the body of Jesus now rests peacefully in the arms of his mother.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, help me to embrace and accept my crosses. Help me keep my arms open and never let them close. This is my way of sharing your love and peace with everyone. Jesus, remember me.
Fourteenth Station – Jesus is laid in the tomb: Jesus’ body is placed in the tomb where it remains for three days.
Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, help me to remember how you lived so that I may be like you and make this world a better place. Jesus, remember me.