St John Fisher Catholic Primary School Tumbi Umbi serves the community of Catholics from the St John Fisher community in the Wyong Parish on the Central Coast. We are one of a system of schools of the Diocese of Broken Bay
St John Fisher Catholic School at Tumbi Umbi commenced in 1988 with a composite class of Kindergarten-Year 1 children. It has subsequently grown to reach its potential of a two stream school.
We have approximately 380 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and a very supportive parent body who want the best for their children. We have a common desire for the children to grow up with a love of God and a relationship with Jesus which will lead them to an understanding of their place in the world. We are an integral part of the Wyong Parish. The Parish has an involved Pastoral Council and Parish Community. Our school motto is “Growing in Faith and Knowledge”.
Weekend Masses are celebrated in the Chapel at St John Fisher as an integral part of the Wyong Parish Community within the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay. The school has been developed through the generosity of the faithful of Wyong and is an important part of the parish faith community. It is in the education of the faith that the school is able to support parents and parish in the development of the religious education of the community.
The school is closely linked to the Parish of Wyong which is under the guidance of Fr. Raul Balute, Parish Administrator and the Parish Pastoral Council.