St John Fisher Primary School as part of the Catholic community, has the task of educating and forming young people as disciples of Jesus.
Liturgical Life
St John Fisher aims to nurture and support the faith development of the children by involving them in regular liturgy and prayer. Each term the students are given the opportunity to celebrate a number of whole school masses as well as class/stage masses. Classes join with the Parish Mass each Monday and Friday morning at 9.15 am in the Chapel. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday parents and students are welcome to in the Parish Mass at 8.00 am. Generally there will be two whole school Masses celebrated in the school hall each term.
Each Monday morning at the school assembly, the Principal leads the school in prayer and reflection based on the liturgical time of the year. The school strives to integrate the values displayed and spoken by Jesus in the Gospels into the life of the school, in the hope that all members of St John Fisher Catholic School will integrate this faith into their life and understand their role as Christian disciples.
Eucharistic liturgies were a feature of the beginning and end of each term as well as being central to the Year 6 graduation ceremony. At the Opening School Mass new families are welcomed into our community and student leaders are blessed and commissioned in their important roles. A feature of the liturgies is the appropriate involvement of the students through various ministries, especially music.
Other liturgies celebrated by the school community included: Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Anzac Day, Feast of Mary Mackillop, The Assumption, All Souls Day, Whole School Thanksgiving and Christmas.
All staff members take an active role in the preparation of the liturgy during the year through the liturgy teams. Members of staff also offer to organise and share a prayer session/reflection on a Thursday morning.
The School in the Life of the Parish and Diocese
St John Fisher Catholic Community continued to be supported by the parish priest and assistant priest. Parents and school executive continued to be involved with the Parish Pastoral Council.
Many parents and students are engaged in weekend masses as altar servers, readers and musicians. Children’s Liturgy is integral to some parish masses and many of the parents and children of St John Fisher continue to embrace this initiative.
Parent Participation in Catholic Worldview
At St John Fisher, parents are acknowledged as the primary educators of the children. The weekly newsletter is used as a vehicle to share the various aspects of Catholic life and mission within the school community and stimulate discussion between parents and children.
Parents are very supportive of school liturgies and play many leadership roles in the parish in areas such as sacramental programs and Sacrament enrichment days, children’s liturgy and involvement in the Parish Pastoral Council.