All Fees should now be finalised unless you have a special arrangement in writing. If you are experiencing difficulty in finalising your 2017 Fees please make contact with the School Fees Liaison Unit at the Catholic Schools Office on 9847 0258 as all debts must be cleared by the end of the year before the 2018 Fees are billed.
Due to the School’s End of Financial Year the office will be closed for ALL Financial Transactions (including the receipting of fees) from Monday 11 December. The office will be open for all general enquiries etc. during that week.
The last day the Uniform Shop will be open for 2017 is Tuesday 12th December (8.30 – 9.15AM ONLY) on that day. Please ensure you have purchased all your uniform requirements by that date as the Uniform Shop WILL NOT BE OPEN DURING THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. It will re-open on Tuesday 6th February 2018.
The last day the canteen will be open for 2017 is Monday 11th December.